Friday, May 8, 2015

This is the day that the Lord has made. More firsts!

Where do we begin? It's been a busy few days with lots of firsts.

We started our day in Burlington to watch our youngest son, Stephen, play his first game of the OCSSAA Christian high school soccer tournament. It was a beautiful day and we felt so blessed to enjoy this morning outdoors.

We arrived at the hospital where our daughter, Karina, had been sitting with Josh for the morning. It was a good morning as Josh was awake for his physio therapy session again, two days in a row. Yesterday he stood for the first time with the help of the therapists and he was able to weight-bear a little. He gave his first wave yesterday and gave his first handshake to our son-in-law. Today, he spoke his first words: he said, "Hi Wayne" to his personal support worker.

Josh also had his first outing today. We wheeled him into the elevator and outside onto the grounds of the Metropolitan Church where we were all able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. We bought some "street meat" just so we could feed the pigeons some bread.

What a glorious day it has been.

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Please continue to pray for Josh. Pray that his feeding tube will be removed soon.

Pray that we as a family will continually trust in our Heavenly Father for all of our strength, comfort and peace.

Love to you all,
Phil, Terri and family


  1. Wow great news praise the lord

  2. That's good news Terri! Thanks for the updates - it's so encouraging for us, out here, to see how God has answered prayers and also to know what to pray for. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers constantly.
    Love, Liz and Don

  3. Absolutely amazing. God has answered so many prayers and His glory is seen everyday. Praying for continued strength for the family. Hope stephs tournament goes well tomorrow! Love all of you guys.

    Rich and Kiy

  4. That is such amazing news! God is a God of many miracles and He continues to show us what an awesome God He is as He works mighty wonders in Josh's life. Please say 'Hello' to Josh for us and tell him that we are praying for him daily.

  5. So exciting!!! What wonderful news!!!! We will continue to pray for you all and hope you can enjoy more firsts and continued healing in the days ahead!!

  6. Such great news! What a blessing to you all to see such progress. Stephen's team must be doing well. Cam's team (Emmanual) lost to Guido this afternoon lol! We continue to pray for complete healing and we will add your requests to the list! Hugs from Orangeville.

  7. Amazing news! Praising God and giving Him thanks! So happy for the continuing healing in Josh's body. I'm glad you could enjoy some of the nice weather yesterday. It's good for you to get refreshed. Love Teresa and Dan

  8. Such great news! Josh is making progress by leaps and bounds, it seems to me! Praying that his healing will continue at a steady pace; we continue to lift you all up in prayer, and especially that the feeding tube be removed. xoxo Hetty and Karl

  9. Praising God with you for His mercies new every morning! So thankful that Josh continues to make more progress each day. Praying constantly that you all will be given renewed strength and patience to face the day as it comes. Love you all!

  10. Great to hear. Thank you for all the updates, please know that you all continue to be in our hearts and our prayers.

  11. Fabulous news, thank you for the updates, we look daily and continue to keep all of you in our prayers. God is certainly good and steadfast.

  12. Continuously keeping you in our prayers and hearts. You're all so loved! I'm so happy to hear about the amazing thing's the Lord is doing. All things are possible through His love and grace. Love you x

  13. We're praising our Father with you and asking for His mercy for further progress, patience and strength.
    Love from Henry and Herma
