Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I know I'm in His hands

This is our second post today (Monday) but we had such good news this evening that we felt the need to update the blog and share our joy with you all.

After Josh's ventilator was removed this morning he rested for most of the day. However, this evening he opened his eyes for his nurse and then later for us as well. His eyes remained open for at least 20-30 seconds. To top it off, when we asked him to smile he did. We were so thrilled. You can't believe the emotion we felt to see our son begin to regain some level of consciousness.

We really believe that God has answered the many prayers raised up on his behalf.

Earlier in day we had a chance to discuss Josh's health with the Chief of Neurology at St. Michael's hospital. Although he was encouraged by Josh's progress so far, he reminded us to pace ourselves as this is going to be a long journey. We don't know what the future looks like, but we echo the lyrics to the song, "All is Well With My Soul, He is God in control, I know not all His plans, But I know I'm in His hands."

Thank you again for all your love,
Phil and Terri and family


  1. Rejoicing with you! May God continue to grant improvement of health and sustain all of you.

  2. Such wonderful news!! God is so good! All the time!! Hope and strength for you all! Harry, Cyndy and family

  3. That's amazing. He is in control! Encouraged to hear the progress in Josh's body. Praying for you all.

  4. We are so encouraged to hear this news! God is good!

  5. Such an amazing news!!!!! We are so happy to hear that!!!
    We keep praying everyday for him!!!!!

  6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
    So thankful for this news.
    Praying for strength and patience as you care for Josh and for continued healing and progress for Josh. Love Teresa and Dan

  7. Once again amazing! News .....

  8. Praise God! All his works are wondrous!

  9. Oh what joy that must have given you! So thankful for the continued healing God has been giving and we pray you may continue to be strengthened and refreshed with these little blessings.

  10. Incredible news! We continue to pray for Josh each day. God is good!

  11. Praise God, this is wonderful news!

  12. We are so thankful with you all. Our family continues to hold you up in prayer!!
    Peter & JoAnne

  13. Thank you for your daily updates. That is amazing news! That surely raises everyone's Spirits. We will continue to pray for you all. Love, Andrew and Yvonne

  14. So happy and encouraged by these positive signs, for all of you. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. God is restoring and healing his (and your) precious child. Strength and peace. Karen, Megan, Nick and Jordan

  15. Wonderful!!!! So thankful with you all and continuing to pray for progress and patience in little steps!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Glad things are improving! The name Josh always makes me think of courage due to the verse in Joshua 10 about being courageous. But when I think if they verse I always thought of my childhood friend Josh VanAndle, less the leader of Isreal. Josh has always struck me as being courageous and sure he is also through this process. Pray that everyone has courage through it all too. Love Mark Westerink

  18. This brought tears to my eyes. So thankful for the progress each day and for the joy it brings you. Praise be to our God!

  19. Yes God is in control and has the ultimate power and control in this thanks mark westerink for that verse and nice words and reminder

  20. Brought tears to my eyes as well…so encouraging! So very thankful for the progress Josh is making. And what a thrill to see him smile!
    Karl and Hetty
