It was three months ago that Josh was in the serious work accident diagnosed with Significant Diffused Axonal Injury which is a sheering of the brain due to the shock waves of the explosion. God spared Josh's life and carried us a family through that very difficult time.
Josh has made a miraculous recovery and we are ever so thankful for the way the Lord has healed him. As we reflect on Josh's progress we see how quickly Josh has moved through his recovery. Physically, Josh looks like his old self, almost like he doesn't belong at rehab at all. Yet he still struggles with his speech, short term memory loss and functioning cognitive issues. His outpatient therapy will address these issues and will focus on Josh's goals of returning to work and learning to drive again etc. We are thankful that the WSIB is going to follow through with all the recommendations of the rehab team and Josh will begin therapy once we return from our camping trip.
Please continue to pray for our family as we begin a new chapter in our life. Please pray for continued and complete healing for Josh. Please pray for the many patients we have come to know who are not making the progress they have hoped or prayed for. Thank the Lord for places like the Toronto Rehab Institute which do incredible work.
As this will be our last post, we wish to thank you all for your continued prayers. Thank you for blessing us with your words of encouragement and deeds of kindness, visits etc. It was wonderful to know we had people who loved us join with us in our very hard journey. Thank you also to Bruce for posting our blog, as it was a great blessing.
The Lord chose to spare Josh's life and heal him in this amazing way for reasons we do not know. We stand humbled and in awe before Him as we know it's not because of anything we or Josh has done to deserve this but it is only for His purpose and for His glory. To Him we give all the praise and thanks.
We will finish off with our wedding verse:
Philippians 4:4-8 "Rejoice in the Lord always. again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Much love to you all,
Phil and Terri and Josh. Joel and Irma, Josh and Meagan, Karina and Stephen